12 Months
24/7 Roadside Assistance

It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure they have been signed up to participle in the Free 12 months 24/7 roadside assistance with the selling dealer. If you have not received a letter from 24/7 Roadservices within 2 weeks from the date of purchase of your new mobility scooter then you must contact the selling dealer.
Roadservices BrochureMobility Scooter Membership Terms & Conditions
When you’re out and about on your mobility scooter, problems can happen and 24/7 Roadservices Australia has a team dedicated to getting you back on the go and where you need to be as quickly and safely as possible.
Safe And Sound
Are you in need of Assistance? Please call 1800 008 616 and have your membership number and your best phone number ready. Our team will ask the exact location of your mobility scooter and what has happened. In the event of an emergency, please call 000.
Please remain with your mobility scooter. If our provider arrives and the mobility scooter is unattended, there may be additional charges for subsequent callouts for the same incident. If your mobility scooter is parked in a hazardous location, please let us know when you call us and ensure you and your passengers stay clear of any oncoming traffic.
Terms And Conditions
1. Mobility Scooter Assistance Membership
- 24/7 will provide the member with roadside assistance Australia wide, where we can and when it is safe to do so. Membership may be registered under the name of an individual, company or an organisation. The membership will apply to the mobility scooter, which must be currently registered and in good condition;
- A cooling off period of two (2) business days provides members with the ability cancel their membership in writing to without penalty;
- Member services/benefits will become effective after the cooling off period of two (2) business days after the receipt of payment. Membership/s must be paid for and current to obtain any services or benefits. Emergency membership is available at additional cost if assistance is required immediately;
- Should you replace your mobility scooter, your membership is transferable. In order to organise the transfer, you must contact 24/7 during business hours within 7 days of the changeover occurring. Transfer will become effective two working days after notification is received by 24/7;
- All fees paid to 24/7 (including membership fees, administration fees, service fees) are non-refundable unless under the following circumstances: sale of mobility scooter (with proof of sale) or insurance write-off (with proof from insurer) with no claims in the current membership period, a pro-rated refund less an administration fee of $22;
- Service will not be provided to a member who, in our view, is abusive, threatening or violent to any 24/7 staff member or contractor, or a member who attempts to receive service by deception. Should a member behave in this way we may, after investigation:
- Suspend or limit services to the member,
- Impose service fees for further service requests, or
- Void the membership - Any changes to the registered address must be reported to 24/7 during business hours, within 7 days of the change occurring;
- When requesting assistance, you must provide the correct mobility scooter details and the exact location of the mobility scooter. All services will be at your expense if we are not able to confirm your membership;
- Mobility Scooter assistance is only available in a designated area that the service provider deems to be safe;
- We will not authorise or pay for any service performed/carried out prior to the commencement date of the membership;
- If you are not in attendance with your mobility scooter at the time when the service provider arrives, the service cannot be performed and one call-out will be deducted from the member’s callouts. Further callouts related to the same incident will be considered a separate callout;
- Mobility scooter assistance is provided in the event of an unexpected breakdown. It does not cover mobility scooter maintenance or permanent repairs. Temporary repairs may be made at the request of the member/driver to mobilise the mobility scooter (where possible). However, regular maintenance or any mechanical repairs (major or otherwise) is the member’s responsibility and will be at the member’s expense;
- If a member makes use of all the service callouts in a membership term, the membership will be deemed exhausted. To receive further mobility scooter assistance, you will be required to pay a service fee by credit card at the time of the call for each additional service request or take out a new policy. Unused callouts will not be carried forward;
- If a member has received and continues to request mobility scooter assistance or towing for a mobility scooter repeatedly on an unjust and excessive number of instances in a year, we may refuse to provide further assistance or towing and will then offer an alternative service at the member’s expense – payable upon request of service;
- Limits of liability per yearly membership for “3 Star” protection plan is four (4) callouts per year;
- 24/7 reserves the right to amend prices and inclusions of policies without prior notice;
- Where reimbursement is requested, you are to provide the relevant documentation and receipts to verify expenses covered under your membership via email to:;
2. Towing
- We can provide Emergency towing to transport your mobility scooter to the nearest repairer up to the kilometre limits of your plan. You only have to pay for any excess kilometres;
- Towing will be provided for all mobility scooters provided that the tow can be made with standard towing equipment and such equipment is available. Towing will be provided using the most appropriate equipment available (such as lift-tow or flat- top truck) as determined by 24/7. Should specialised towing equipment or personnel be required (such as power winches, extended cables or hydraulic mobility moving jack dollies etc.), this service will be at the driver/member’s expense – payable upon request of service;
- We will attempt to transport You with the mobility scooter, provided that You can be legally transported in the tow truck. In the event that we are unable to transport You, alternative transport will be arranged within Your membership plan limits. Any arrangements outside of the membership plan limits will be at the member’s expense.
3. Lost Keys
- If you have accidently lost your mobility scooter keys, we can assist with towing Your mobility scooter within Your membership plan limits.
4. When Your Membership Benefits Do Not Apply
Our membership provides emergency breakdown service only. Therefore, Mobility Scooter Assistance services and/or towing benefits do not apply for:
- A mobility scooter that we deem to be:
- In poor condition,
- Already at a repairer,
- That is partly or fully dismantled or on which repairs have been attempted by anyone (including a repairer) or has a pre-existing failure or breakdown. - A mobility scooter that has been involved in or suffered damage as a consequence of an accident, flood, theft, fire or malicious damage;
- A mobility scooter which has been modified in ways that in our view increase the possibility of it sustaining damage during towing, or in ways that make damage-free towing difficult, unless such modifications are removed prior to towing. This includes modified or factory released accessories;
- Transportation of a damaged mobility scooter;
- A mobility scooter that has been driven against our instruction or the instruction of a mobility scooter repairer; A mobility scooter that has been driven against our instruction or the instruction of a mobility scooter repairer;
- A mobility scooter that has been transported to a holding or shipment facility;
- A mobility scooter that is in a restricted access area;
- A mobility scooter that has been used in a rally or race;
- Breakdowns caused by conditions that existed prior to the commencement of membership.
5. Your Responsibility For Costs
- Any parts, labour or other costs related with the repair of a mobility scooter;
- Towing that has not been arranged by us;
- Any costs related to making arrangements for pets and animals;
- All car hire charges, including fuel, tolls, insurance and other fees;
- Towing kilometres in excess of your plans allowance;
- Any freight costs (including sea crossings);
- Any financial loss or liability, however sustained, occurring from or in any way connected with a breakdown or incident;
- Any service provided for a failure that occurred prior to the commencement of your membership. These services are payable at the time the service is provided.
- Any charges for batteries, excess towing, salvage, holding yards and toll costs at the time of service, are payable by the member at the time of service. Failure to pay any of these charges will void your membership.
6. Australian Consumer Law
Our Membership come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For major failures with the membership service, you are entitled to:
- Cancel your membership with us; and
- A refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.
You are also entitled for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. If the failure does not amount to a major failure you are entitled to have problems with the membership service rectified in a reasonable time, and if this is not done, to cancel your membership and obtain a refund for the unused portion of the membership.
7. Definitions
- Accident – your mobility scooter has been involved in and/or has damage from a collision or malicious act of any nature, including attempted or actual theft or break-in;
- Breakdown – a failure of your mobility scooter occurring within the benefit period which has caused it to be immobilised or become unsafe to drive due to mechanical or electrical fault;
- Repairer – a mobility scooter repairer or mechanic with the ability to mobilise the mobility scooter after a breakdown;
- Restricted Access Areas – an area that is protected by security and/or other systems designed to prevent access to unauthorised people or mobility scooters and includes areas which we do not have permission to enter (for example airports, sporting venues, protest or concert sites, or certain business premises).
- Mobility scooter – the mobility scooter to which your valid 24/7 Roadservices Membership applies.
- We, Us, Our – 24/7 Roadservices Australia Pty Ltd
- You, Your – the person’s name that appears on the membership.
8. Important Information
These Terms and Conditions are valid from 1 January 2022. By purchasing 24/7 Roadservice Australia membership, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.